Vim is text editor built to create/modify text based files. It is quite powerful and customizable.
Vim can be used on mostly any Unix based computers and on Mac OS X.
# apt-get install vimOn ArchLinux based distibution, do the following.
# pacman -S vim
Note: if you want to learn the basics you can visit vim - Basics
Creating a session allows you to close vim and open it back in the exact same state. This is a great feature when you have multiple files opened. (What a pain opening back all your project files.)
Alright, how does this works?
To create your session, you need to type this simple command. (Of course, if you are in a particular mode you need to exit it by pressing the escape button on your keyboard.)
:mks ~/.vim/sessions/project1.vim
Wow what a great system. With it you can simply create as many sessions you want (I'm talking to you Mrs./Mr. Programmer with many projects on the go).
Well that's nice, but how do I load back my session. It's quite easy. Simply type the following:
:source ~/.vim/sessions/project1.vim
or directly from the command line.
$ vim -S ~/.vim/sessions/project1.vim
You want to know more cool feature from vim have a look at my other vim tutorials.